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remineralize teeth

5 Ways to Re-Mineralize your Teeth at Home

Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing MI

Natural tooth enamel contains vital minerals like phosphate and calcium to fight against tooth decay and cavities. Unfortunately, as you age, your teeth lose essential nutrients from beverage, food, and lifestyle choices, resulting in weak tooth enamel that’s susceptible to harmful bacteria. The demineralization process occurs with everyone, but you can help restore and strengthen your tooth enamel. Today on the blog, a leading Okemos dentist, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, shares five ways to re-mineralize your teeth at home so that you can have a strong, healthy smile resistant to most bacterial attacks.

  1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Your daily oral care regimen is the most crucial factor in your oral health condition. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), you should brush twice and floss once daily. Paired with regular checkups and cleaning visits with a Lansing board-certified dentist, you can keep damaging bacteria at bay while encouraging re-mineralization.

  1. Use Fluoride Toothpaste

It may seem that all toothpaste on the supermarket shelves is the same. But, unfortunately, each brand is different and can provide mixed results. However, to aid in re-mineralization, purchase a brand that has fluoride and dons the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance on the package or is on the ADA-approved product list. Dr. Tenaglia, a top-ranked East Lansing dentist, explains that fluoride from toothpaste rebuilds weak enamel and strengthens your teeth.

  1. Eat a Diverse Diet

The food you consume contains a significant vitamin and mineral amount to help promote good oral health. Okemos family dentists agree that eating a well-rounded diet of protein, dairy, vegetables, and fruit can restore lost minerals to strengthen teeth. Unfortunately, patients who avoid these nutritious foods could be missing many re-mineralization opportunities. If you must avoid a food group, consider taking a dietary supplement to substitute for the missing nutrients.

  1. Consume Less Sugar

Sugar is an oral health threat to your teeth and gums. Harmful bacteria consume sugar and secrete acids that erode tooth enamel. The acids also zap vital nutrients and weaken your teeth. Therefore, reducing your sugar consumption lowers your decay risk and protects your tooth enamel from advanced or severe conditions. So, our friendly Lansing dentist suggests limiting your consumption of sugary foods and beverages, such as cake, pie, candy, soda, ice cream, etc., to reduce bacteria’s impact on your smile. If you decide to indulge, eat it in one sitting instead of grazing throughout the day to reduce the sugar impact on your oral health.

  1. Moderate Highly Acidic Foods and Beverages

Sugar isn’t the only culprit in damaging tooth enamel. Acidic food and beverages can also have a devastating smile impact. Our East Lansing family dentist warns that consuming tomatoes, coffee, fruit juice, or alcohol can cause additional tooth enamel damage. Combining items like alcohol and fruit juice intensifies the overall impact and could cause severe conditions if you avoid proper oral care. Therefore, exercise caution when choosing which foods and beverages to consume. The best liquid to drink is fluoridated tap water to wash away harmful bacteria and effortlessly restore crucial vitamins and minerals for strong, healthy teeth.

Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

Exposure to mineral stripping substances or circumstances can cause your teeth to weaken, increasing your risk for advanced conditions and expensive treatments. Although some causes are avoidable, you can counteract those that aren’t by following the above advice of an experienced Okemos dentist, Dr. Christine Tenaglia. Feel free to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tenaglia to determine your oral health and define steps you need to take to reduce demineralization. Call Tenaglia Smiles at (517) 347-6733 or schedule an appointment online today.

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