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As the weather starts to turn colder, it means flu season is upon us once again. Eating a nutritious diet that is supplemented by vitamins can be a great way to help your family stay healthy not just during flu season but throughout the year. Today on the blog, Okemos’ award-winning dentist Dr. Christine Tenaglia reviews some of the foods you should consider eating to maintain both your overall and oral health.

Stay balanced

Malnutrition and vitamin deficiency can both impair your ability to ward away illnesses. Fruits, vegetables, and proteins are all good ways to improve your body’s overall health. Oranges are healthy, but overindulging in Vitamin C or any vitamin-rich “superfoods” can make your body spend time burning excessive amounts of empty calories during a time it should be stocking up on nutrients. These are all the same rules you should follow when eating a better diet for your teeth, which need a good intake of vitamins, but also don’t need exposure to food all day. Stick to foods that are high in good fat, and provide a variety of health benefits. Examples include eggs, avocados, peanuts, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables.

Avoiding Sugar

Heavily processed foods and foods with high sugar content are linked to chronic health issues. One cookie isn’t going to cause an immune system crash that leaves you susceptible to an illness. However, a diet high in sugar can harm overall health, especially for those who already suffer from immune incompetence: the elderly, infants or people with autoimmune diseases, diabetes or cancer. Frequent consumption of sugary foods and drinks also increases your risk of oral health threats such as cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. People who suffer from gum disease run the risk of being immunocompromised due to the higher inflammation rate throughout your body, and the resources your body has to spend to combat the bacterial infection that causes your gum disease.

Shopping tips

Stocking up on healthy foods isn’t as hard as it used to be. Canned tuna, fruits, and vegetables may be hard to find with dozens of people fighting to get their pantry full, but frozen options have never been easier to access. Frozen fruits, veggies, ground chicken and turkey can last for an extremely long time and keep your family healthy. Oats and nuts don’t even need cold-storage to maintain long term freshness.

Be sure to hydrate

Water is the best beverage choice for both your overall wellness and oral health. There is no better form of hydration. Water is calorie-free and sugar-free. It also contains trace amounts of fluoride, which refortifies the enamel on your teeth and encourages saliva production, which helps naturally clean away any lingering food particles from the last time you ate.

Keeping you and your family healthy in Okemos

Need more advice on what foods to eat? Tenaglia Smiles can offer nutritional recommendations during any of our dental cleaning appointments. If you are due for a checkup or you need a new dentist, find out for yourself why Dr. Tenaglia has been named Okemos’ favorite dentist. Call (517) 347-6733 or complete our online form to schedule your appointment.

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