Serving areas of Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI
Approximately 13 million people across the United States suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, also called OSA. It is estimated that 4 percent of men and 2 percent of women over 35 years of age suffer from OSA. It is a serious sleep disorder where the victim stops breathing, multiple times, for 10 seconds or longer while sleeping. It is a fairly common condition, although many individuals are unaware that they have it since they are asleep when it occurs.
This cessation in breathing, or apnea episode, can be a minute or longer in duration and might be repeated as many as a hundred times or more during a single night. The frequent arousals and the inability to achieve or maintain deeper stages of sleep are the main factors that contribute to the debilitation of one’s health.
Symptoms & Health Risks of Sleep Apena
The health risks of obstructive sleep apnea are multi-faceted. Besides being drowsy, fatigued, with lowered energy levels during the day, sleep apnea patients are subject to a variety of negative health issues and social problems due to sleep deprivation.
Some of the obvious signs suggesting obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are loud snoring, obesity, morning headaches, dry mouth, and frequent urination during the night. Other symptoms include nighttime indigestion, problems with memory and concentration, daytime sleepiness, depression, irritability, night sweats, and a decreased sex drive.
Left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea can also contribute to high blood pressure, hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes. Equally dangerous is driving an automobile while being drowsy. Each year, thousands of lives are lost due to sleep deprived drivers.
Obstructive sleep apnea is now more common in the U.S. than was previously thought; however, OSA responds well to therapy.

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Dr. Tenaglia’s Office
Depending upon the type and severity of the sleep apnea, there are various treatment options available to patients who suffer from this condition. Losing weight is a common remedy for obstructive sleep apnea since it reduces overall fatty tissue around the airway. When sleep apnea is diagnosed through a home sleep study, Dr. Tenaglia provides treatments such as positional therapy, CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), corrective surgery, and/or an oral appliance. Each has its own advantages. While CPAP therapy is beneficial, recent advances in technology have provided a more permanent and corrective solution to the problem.
The signs and symptoms of sleep apnea:
- Loud snoring
- Gasping for air, or choking sounds followed by silence
- Morning headaches
- Un-refreshing sleep
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Poor concentration
- Falling asleep while driving
- Decreased performance at work
- Reduced interest in sex
Can an Oral Appliance Help Prevent Snoring?
Absolutley! One of the new oral airway dilator devices are very user-friendly and can solve your snoring problems.
How Serious Is Sleep Disordered Breathing?
Depending upon its severity, sleep disordered breathing (OSD) has been linked to hypertension, heart disease and stroke, depression, sexual dysfunction, family discord, accidents, and increased mortality rates.
I Suspect My Spouse Has Sleep Apnea; What Should I Do?
Encourage your spouse to read about the seriousness of sleep apnea. Assure him/her that the condition is completely treatable with excellent success rates; urge them to contact Dr. Tenaglia and schedule an appointment for a home sleep study and a screening at (517) 940-8684.
What’s an Oral Airway Dilator?
An oral airway dilator is one of several generic terms used to describe an FDA approved oral appliance. The intraoral appliances are custom-made by dentists to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
What Other Treatment Options Are Available For Sleep Apnea?
The simplest remedies for treating sleep apnea include weight loss and behavioral modifications, such as changing sleeping positions and avoiding alcohol or heavy meals after 8 p.m. Other interventional therapies being used are CPAP/BiPAP, surgery, somnoplasty, oral appliances, and herbal remedies. Recently, developments of oral maxillary complex with controlled arch orthodontics offers a more permanent solution.
Compared To CPAP, How Effective Is An Oral Airway Dilator?
When indicated, a dental appliance is an effective therapy for mild to moderate sleep apnea. Advancements in appliance designs have greatly improved their dependability from earlier versions. In many cases, for people who cannot tolerate wearing the CPAP, an oral airway dilator has been just as effective as CPAP without its inconvenience or discomfort. Oral appliances are endorsed and accepted by patients and medical professionals.
I Really Dislike Wearing the CPAP Mask; How Can I Obtain a Dental Appliance?
If you are unable to adjust to wearing your CPAP mask, the first step is to tell your physician and request that they refer you to Dr. Tenaglia. Dr. Tenaglia will perform a comprehensive exam of the head, neck, gums, and airway. She will take measurements as well as determine jaw positioning and other physical attributes in order to create a custom appliance based on your individual needs.
How Do I Know if I am a Candidate for an Oral Appliance?
If you snore, wake up often during the night, suffer from headaches in the morning, experience sleepiness frequently during the day, or you’re if intolerant of CPAP, you could benefit substantially with an oral appliance. Contact us to schedule a clinical evaluation and Dr. Tenaglia will provide testing to determine whether you’re a candidate.
What Are The Benefits of An Oral Appliance?
All oral appliances attempt to dilate or open the airway to relieve snoring or OSA. They are really great for patients who cannot tolerate the CPAP mask or just snore. The oral appliance proves to be more comfortable and allows your body to help breath on its own, strengthening the muscles associated with proper physiologic breathing. There is excellent patient acceptance. It is non-surgical, conservative, and moderate in cost, and it is user-friendly.
How Do I Care for My Oral Appliance?
Once they’re properly fitted and adjusted, custom made appliances (using high-quality materials) are durable, portable, and easy to use and maintain. Following brushing your teeth, you should brush your oral appliance and return it to its protective case out of reach of small children and pets. Then, once per week, soak it in denture cleanser during the day to remove any micro bacteria build-up that could cause odor or stains.
How Long Will It Take To Get My Dental Appliance?
Creating a custom dental sleep apnea appliance usually requires two appointments. The first appointment is to take impressions, and the second will be to fit the appliance.
You can contact us online or feel free to call us today at (517) 940-8684 to learn more about our sleep apnea treatment in Okemos!