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Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing Michigan

You may not realize it, but the health of your teeth and mouth can have ramifications throughout your body. In fact, your dentist may be able to identify symptoms of certain conditions before they would become obvious to you or even your regular doctor. Read on to see how your award-winning dentist in Okemos, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, can identify major health problems early.

Cardiac disease: Did you know that gum disease can raise your risk of heart problems? Research conducted at Harvard estimates that patients with periodontal disease are up to twice as susceptible to cardiac disease, as the infected plaque from the mouth and gums filters into the bloodstream, where it can accumulate in the cardiovascular system and form blockages in the arteries of the heart.

Fertility problems: According to research, women who have gum disease have more difficulty becoming pregnant. Likewise, patients with periodontitis that do become pregnant have been found to have a higher risk of miscarriage or stillbirth. Meanwhile, men who have gum disease report higher incidences of infertility and erectile dysfunction. If you are pregnant, even if you had high dental health at the time of conception, you should be extra diligent about your oral care while conceiving, as the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy raise your risk of gum disease.

Osteoporosis: Oral health problems such as gum disease and living with lost teeth cause the deterioration of the supporting bone structure. Any inflammation in the mouth caused by bacteria can make you more predisposed to developing osteoporosis. Making matters worse, certain medications to treat osteoporosis actually can diminish bone density of the jaw even further.

Pulmonary disease: Did you know that lung diseases like COPD and even pneumonia can be affected by the spread of bacteria in the mouth? When you breathe through your mouth due to congestion, for example, you are inhaling those germs into your lungs. Also, chronic pulmonary ailments and periodontal disease both are related to and cause inflammation.

Diabetes: Gum disease and diabetes are linked, as having one of those ailments increases your risk factor of developing the other. Just as with pulmonary diseases, diabetes causes inflammation, and any source of inflammation increases the entry of bacteria into the bloodstream. It is important to include your dentist as part of your care plan if you are diagnosed with diabetes.

Protecting your oral health, and overall health, in Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing in Michigan

Care for your mouth and teeth, and they will take care of you. Do your part by brushing twice per day, flossing daily, using a non-alcoholic mouthwash rinse and seeing your dentist every six months for a check-up that should include a cleaning and an examination of your teeth and mouth. We also conduct a thorough exam for new patients that includes a comprehensive review of your medical and dental health histories. To learn more about our services or schedule a new patient exam, call our office in Okemos at (517) 347-6733 or contact us online.

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