Serving areas of Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI
Provided by Our Skilled Dentist for Your Comfort
On a statistical basis, only 60 percent of people visit the dentist in any given year. One of the leading reasons for not getting a checkup is the fear of the “dental experience”. The procedure that causes most of the anxiety is the dental injection, or “shot”. Dental injection techniques have remained virtually unchanged for many years. Dr. Tenaglia uses a highly effective topical anesthetic to virtually alleviate any pain or discomfort associated with the injection.

What’s keeping you from enjoying the benefits of dental health and a gorgeous smile? Time? Trust? Embarrassment? Overwhelming anxiety? It doesn’t have to take a lot of time for you to attain the smile you’ve always wanted. You can regain your health, turn back the hands of time, and look fabulous in as little as two visits. You can trust Dr. Tenaglia. Our office is different; we understand your individual needs and are extensively trained to handle your complicated case and help deliver exceptional results. Your new and improved smile will renew your confidence!
Call us today at (517) 940-8684 or feel free to contact us online to learn more about your options. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Tenaglia today!