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Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing Michigan

The term “root canal” often is surrounded by dread and fear, but does a root canal deserve the negative reputation of this kind? Most people are afraid of root canals because of the possibility of pain or because the tooth that needs a root canal already is causing them pain and they fear additional discomfort. At Tenaglia Smiles, we do not want you to worry over your root canal any longer. That’s why Okemos’ award-winning dentist Dr. Christine Tenaglia wants to walk you through this procedure to show it’s not as scary as you might think.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a simple procedure in which Dr. Tenaglia removes any portion of the interior structure of your tooth that has been damaged due to injury or decay. This tissue is otherwise known as the pulp. The tooth will then be cleaned and disinfected, while the damaged area will then be filled and sealed—placing a crown to complete the process.

We offer numbing agents to make sure you experience minimal discomfort during your procedure. There is a myth that root canals cause more pain than the original tooth problem. This originates from a time when anesthetics were not readily available and dental tools were not as advanced as they are today. The reality is root canals don’t hurt nearly as much as prolonged tooth pain does.

What if I don’t think I need a root canal?

If you’re not experiencing pain and another practitioner has recommended a root canal, then it’s possible the procedure was suggested because the tooth in question is extremely unhealthy or even infected. Left untreated, the tooth in question may need to be removed. No matter how much modern technology has advanced the field of restorative dentistry, your natural tooth is a better alternative than any method of tooth replacement. Tenaglia Smiles recommends saving your natural tooth if possible and can accomplish that by performing a root canal.

Usually, if you need a root canal, you know it. The most common reason to have this procedure is when a tooth becomes infected. This infection, once it infiltrates the interior of your tooth, easily can spread to affect the dental nerve. Any impact on the nerve can lead to severe pain–manifesting as a steady throb or a sharp stabbing. The pain may not be constant, but when the nerve does become aggravated, the discomfort can be debilitating. It can be difficult to eat, concentrate, sleep or even breathe.

Root canals in Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing in Michigan

It is not too late to save your damaged tooth. Tenaglia Smiles wants to provide you with the most painless and convenient root canal experience possible. Let us dispel the myths of how painful and scary root canals are. Don’t live in fear of a chance of pain, tooth loss, or other serious health issues that can come from a damaged or infected tooth. Call our office at (517) 347-6733 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Christine Tenaglia today.

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