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What’s it Like Living with Sleep Apnea?

Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing MI

You may have recently received a sleep apnea diagnosis and are looking for answers about how much your behaviors should change to protect your overall health. Since sleep apnea may affect several aspects of your life, accepting treatment is crucial. Therefore, our Okemos dentist who treats sleep apnea, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, shares information on the blog today about what it’s like to live with sleep apnea so that you can seek proper treatment and live a longer, healthier life.

How can I maintain my health after receiving a sleep apnea diagnosis?

After diagnosis, it can be challenging to know what to do next. In most cases, doctors explain that losing weight is the primary method to reduce sleep apnea because it reduces the fatty deposits around the neck that often lead to collapsed airways. So, Dr. Tenaglia shares below a few areas where little changes can significantly affect your sleep quality, energy level, and ability to concentrate.

  • Get Daily Exercise

Sleep apnea patients should prioritize regular exercise. Physical activity can reduce heart disease and stroke risk, ease stress, and boost energy. For example, our sleep apnea dentist in East Lansing advises patients to park further from the store. A walk in the parking lot can give you fresh air and computer-free time. Also, exercising with friends helps build relationships and provides an accountability partner. Furthermore, fitness programs provide structure and motivation to get in shape. However, you must consult your doctor before losing weight or starting an exercise routine.

  • Consume a Healthy Diet

After a sleep apnea diagnosis, you should stop mindless snacking and eat healthily. Foods and beverages high in sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, or any other sugar derivative can affect your smile and waistline. Carbohydrate-rich foods can also cause weight gain that may lead to breathing problems. Unfortunately, eating and sleeping immediately afterward can cause weight gain. Our Lansing sleep apnea dentist recommends a healthy diet that includes protein, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, if possible, to improve your waistline and oral health.

  • Talk With Your Providers

The first medical professionals you should speak with about your sleep apnea diagnosis are your primary care physician and our Okemos sleep apnea dentist. They are responsible for your overall health and wellness and should know about new medical diagnoses and treatments. Next, remember to tell your pharmacist, eye doctor, and any specialists that you see regularly. By sharing the new diagnosis with your healthcare providers, they can better direct the treatments, necessary medications, and results.

  • Seek Effective Treatment

Once you receive your diagnosis, scheduling a consultation with a dentist who treats sleep apnea in East Lansing is vital. Even though it may seem strange to visit a dentist for sleep problems, Dr. Tenaglia offers effective treatments that reduce sleep apnea risks and increases your body’s ability to function better without resorting to a CPAP machine. Oral appliance therapy is a sleep apnea treatment that uses a custom-fitted oral device similar to a mouth guard to align your jaw and open your airway while sleeping. The quiet, compact, and effective mouthpiece is an excellent treatment choice for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea conditions.

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

Understanding sleep apnea, the risks, and managing the condition is key to your treatments success. Although there will be some lifestyle changes necessary to improve your health condition, they aren’t impossible to implement, and Dr. Tenaglia can provide a clear path to help you get better quality sleep. If you recently received a sleep apnea diagnosis or are still struggling to get a good night’s sleep, contact our Lansing area sleep apnea dentist at Tenaglia Smiles to schedule a consultation. Please call our office at (517) 347-6733 or contact us online for an appointment today.

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