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Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing Michigan

The time of year is upon us as we begin preparing for and celebrating the year-end holidays. People often hope that their holiday party or gathering goes off without a hitch from perfectly oven roasted turkey to decadent pie, a hostess with the mostest ensures that no detail is forgotten. But what about your smile? It’s the first thing that your guests notice as you greet them at the door. Make this year the year that you wow guests or co-workers at those holiday gatherings as you flash a smile that’s merry and bright! Today, our cosmetic dentist in Okemos, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, shares secret tips to make your smile merry and bright this holiday season.

Keep your teeth clean

It goes without saying that even if you’re putting in extra hours at work or busy planning holiday parties that you mustn’t forget about keeping your teeth clean. Daily brushing and flossing remove surface stains and bacteria from your teeth and minimizes your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Also, since it’s almost the end of the year, be sure to get in your second dental cleaning and checkup so that you can maximize your dental insurance benefits. Dental cleanings help by polishing your teeth for a glowing smile to ensure that your oral health remains in tiptop shape.

Take care of dental problems

Whether you have a nagging chipped tooth, cavity, or other dental problem, take care of it now so that you won’t have to worry about developing a surprise toothache during the holidays. Even if the tooth doesn’t hurt, damage continues to occur as bacteria slowly erode the damaged area and could enter the tooth’s chamber where the blood supply and nerves are housed, causing a painful toothache when you least expect. Also, getting the dental care that you need will ensure that your smile gleams with confidence this holiday season.

Get your teeth whitened

For an eye-catching smile, consider professional teeth whitening treatments. Even though at-home oral hygiene efforts and regular dental cleanings help keep your teeth looking brighter by removing surface stains, these efforts aren’t enough to whiten your teeth into the deeper layers of your dental enamel. Instead, opt for Dr. Tenaglia’s professional teeth whitening treatments where you can achieve results in as little as a week! We also offer an at-home whitening kit if you’re on the go and need to whiten your teeth in your own time.

Sip water throughout the day

One way to help reduce dental stains and protect your teeth is to sip water, instead of sugary beverages, throughout the day. And, if you plan on drinking alcoholic beverages during your holiday parties, be sure sip water along with your adult beverage to help rinse away sugar, staining substances, and acids that could harm your teeth.

Wear a nightguard

The holidays are supposed to be a joyful time of year but are often stressful as you plan gifts for friends and family members and juggle a jampacked schedule of events. Ask Dr. Tenaglia if you could benefit from a nightguard that is custom made to protect your teeth against the effects of bruxism while you sleep. Bruxism is a condition that occurs as you clench and grind your teeth while sleeping. You may not realize it if you have bruxism, although damage may occur to your teeth slowly over time. Therefore, protect your teeth with a custom nightguard from Tenaglia Smiles.

Dentists in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing

Learn more ways to protect your teeth this holiday season or schedule your year-end cleaning by calling Tenaglia Smiles at (517) 347-6733.

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