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Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing MI

Are you self-conscious about the gap in your smile because of a missing tooth? If you are living with a lost tooth, you probably have looked into finding a way to replace it. Currently, a dental implant represents the premier method of tooth replacement in restorative dentistry. Today on the blog, your award-winning dentist in Okemos, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, provides four big benefits to replacing your missing tooth with a dental implant.

Benefit 1: Dental implants work 

As dental implants become more popular the techniques in placing them have become more precise and successful. An implant also is the only tooth replacement that replaces the root of a missing tooth, thanks to the implant screw itself, which fuses into the jawbone after it is inserted surgically as part of the initial part of the procedure. This makes an implant extremely stable, and with proper dental hygiene, an implant should last for the remainder of your life.

Benefit 2: Receiving a dental implant is easy and fairly convenient 

Many people are hesitant to get a dental implant because of the procedure itself. While the placement of the implant screw technically is oral surgery, your implant dentist in Okemos ensures that you will not feel a thing. Local anesthesia is administered before the work begins and, as far as the recovery goes, patients usually feel less discomfort following the installation of an implant than they experience after a tooth extraction.

Benefit 3: Caring for implants is a breeze

Can you brush and floss your teeth? If so, you can maintain your dental implant. Unlike dentures, which can dislodge when you eat and speak or need to be removed from the mouth to be cleaned, an implant is cared for through normal brushing and flossing. To ensure that your implant lasts the rest of your life, return to Dr. Tenaglia for a check-up and cleaning every six months, as recommended by the American Dental Association.

Benefit 4: Implants have long-term value

Many people experience “sticker shock” when they see the price of a dental implant. However, the durability of implants makes them a lifelong solution to replace your missing teeth. Any other tooth replacement will need to be repaired or even replaced every 5-10 years. When you also factor in that an implant represents the only way to prevent the deterioration of your supporting bone structure, we believe that dental implants are worth the cost in the long run. Tenaglia Smiles accepts multiple forms of payment and financing options.

Implant dentistry in Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing in Michigan

You do not have to continue living with tooth loss. Tenaglia Smiles uses implants that are crafted from the finest materials, so that the replacement teeth are all but indistinguishable from real teeth. If you are interested in receiving a dental implant, the next step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tenaglia to determine if you are a good candidate for the implant procedure. Schedule your consultation at Tenaglia Smiles today by calling (517) 347-6733 or completing our online contact form.

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