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Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing MI

Anytime you experience pain, this is how your body signals your brain that something is wrong. The same principle applies if you experience a toothache. In these cases, a toothache sends a signal that something is wrong with the tooth – or possibly your gums, jaw or the supporting bone structure. At Tenaglia Smiles, we understand how miserable a toothache can be. That’s why, today on the blog, we compiled this guide of tips to care for your toothache in Okemos.

What causes toothaches?

In many cases, a toothache develops from an untreated cavity. If you neglect going to the dentist, a cavity continues to eat away at the structure of the affected tooth. If that cavity penetrates the enamel and reaches the soft interior, this can cause significant discomfort. A toothache also can be caused by trauma, such as an injury to the mouth.

Toothaches also may be caused by:

  • A sinus infection or ear infection
  • A symptom of a circulatory problem
  • An infection in the root of your tooth 
  • Bruxism (the clinical term for teeth grinding)
  • Damaged or missing fillings
  • Gum disease

Managing the pain of a toothache  

You can usually manage the discomfort of a toothache by taking anti-inflammatory medications purchased over the counter, although this may provide only temporary relief. Rinsing with warm water can help dislodge food particles that may be aggravating your toothache, while flossing can help remove any food that has lodged adjacent to the tooth causing you problems.

Seek professional care

Any of the above remedies only are going to provide temporary relief. For a lasting remedy to your toothache, you need to seek the care of an experienced and trained dentist like Dr. Christine Tenaglia at Tenaglia Smiles. She can evaluate the tooth causing you pain and, from there, determine what is creating your discomfort.

How do I know if my toothache is a dental emergency?

Not all dentists offer emergency services. Dental pain, caused by a toothache, is a common reason why people seek out an emergency dentist. If the pain in your tooth is sudden and severe, this can indicate your tooth has developed an infection. Left untreated, this infection can reach all the way to the end of the tooth root, where it can develop an abscess. A dental abscess is a very serious condition that requires emergency treatment, as the infected material may filter into your bloodstream, causing organ failure, sepsis or even death.

A persistent, throbbing pain is often caused by tooth decay. However, that persistence suggests that the decay has reached the dental nerve, which can cause continued or even debilitating discomfort. Without treatment, this could eventually lead to tooth loss.

Treating your toothache in Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing in Michigan

At Tenaglia Smiles, we can treat your toothache, identify the cause and resolve the problem with compassion and expertise. If you are experiencing dental pain, stop living with it. Instead, schedule a consultation with Dr. Christine Tenaglia and her team of oral health professionals. Just call our office at (517) 347-6733 or go online to make an appointment.


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