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whats causing your snoring

What’s Really Causing your Snoring?

Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

Snoring occurs in about 37 million Americans. It could be a result of several things, including a sleep-breathing disorder referred to as obstructive sleep apnea. While snoring seems to happen frequently, its risks should not be ignored. Snoring interrupts sleep and leads to daytime fatigue, mood swings, and more. Today on the blog, our Okemos sleep apnea dentist, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, shares what could really be causing your snoring. It’s important to know why you snore so that you can seek the best treatment and reduce your risks of sleep loss.

Older Age

Sleep habits change with age. You may find it is more difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep as you get older, compared to when you were younger. Aging is related to snoring because the soft tissues of the throat and tongue muscles tend to relax more while sleeping. This could cause an airway blockage that results in the vibrating noise that causes what we refer to as snoring.

Conditions of the Nose or Throat

Certain conditions such as a deviated septum, nasal polyps, enlarged tonsils, or even seasonal allergies could be to blame for airway restrictions that result in snoring. Even a bad cold or nasal congestion from an infection could block the airways. Some of these instances may require surgery, while seasonal allergies or colds can be managed with over-the-counter antihistamines or decongestants. However, you should speak with your doctor before taking any medication or attempting to treat these symptoms on your own.

Sleep Position

Some individuals snore more when lying in a particular position. If you snore more while on your back, you might consider sleeping on your side and put pillows around you when you sleep to prevent rolling over. However, snoring may occur while lying on your side or stomach. Ask your sleep partner if they notice you snore more when lying in specific positions.

Use of Alcohol

It’s a common myth that alcohol helps one sleep. In fact, it has quite the opposite effect. Alcohol is a relaxant, which could cause throat or airway muscles to collapse, blocking the airway and result in snoring. You might need to rethink that nightcap. It isn’t going to provide the restful sleep you expect.


Carrying around an extra few pounds or more puts you at risk of various health issues, including sleep-breathing disorders that cause snoring. Overweight individuals tend to have poor muscle tone and increased fat deposits around the neck. Perhaps maintaining a healthy weight could help curb your snoring and reduce nighttime noise.

Sleep Apnea Screening

If you snore, feel tired throughout the day, and experience unexplained mood swings, you could have sleep apnea. It is important to get checked by a sleep apnea dentist in Okemos, such as Dr. Tenaglia. While sleep apnea is officially diagnosed by a sleep specialist, Dr. Tenaglia can assess your symptoms and your airway to determine if you are at risk of sleep apnea. Together with a dedicated sleep specialist, Dr. Tenaglia can help you stop snoring without prescribing a CPAP machine. For mild cases of sleep apnea, Dr. Tenaglia may recommend a custom-made oral appliance that aids in proper airflow while sleeping. It’s quiet, and it won’t disrupt your partner’s sleep either. No strings (or cords) attached!

Snoring Treatment in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, Michigan

If you’re interested in learning more about treatment for snoring in Okemos or want to schedule a sleep apnea evaluation in Lansing, contact Tenaglia Smiles by calling (517) 347-6733 or contact us today. You deserve to rest well and feel energized each day!

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