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facts about tmj

5 Jaw-Dropping Facts about TMJ Disorder

Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

TMJ disorder affects approximately 10 million Americans and is more common in women than men, according to the National Institutes of Health. Sadly, there are many more that suffer in silence, going undiagnosed or brushed off by their primary physician. You may be one of them. Dr. Christine Tenaglia, a TMJ dentist in Okemos, sheds light on this subject, sharing five jaw-dropping facts about TMJ disorder. You may be surprised at some of the symptoms of TMJ disorder and available treatment options.

It causes chronic headaches

Chronic headaches and migraines have been a medical mystery for years. One thing is certain; headaches can stem from TMJ disorder. How is this possible? TMJ disorder occurs due to tension and stress on the jaw joint muscles. As inflammation develops and blood flow is restricted, nerves in the jaw, face, and head become compressed. This directly results in head pain, and sufferers have reported pain in their neck and back as well. If you experience chronic or frequent headaches and are tired of taking over-the-counter pain relievers, it’s time to schedule a TMJ consult in Okemos with Dr. Tenaglia.

It can cause dental pain or toothaches

The orofacial system – face, head, jaw, mouth, teeth, and tongue are designed to work together harmoniously, just like the rest of our bodies. When this system is disrupted or out of balance, pain radiates to other areas. TMJ disorder could cause you to clench and grind your teeth or send pain signals throughout your mouth that mimics tooth pain. If you’re dealing with a toothache, and your regular dentist has no other explanation for the pain (there is no decay, no cracks, or other visible problems), your tooth pain could be caused by TMJ disorder.

It may result in tinnitus or ringing in the ears

The ear canals are located very close to the jaw joints. When inflammation occurs in the jaw joints, it could make your ears have a full or stopped up feeling, and some sufferers report tinnitus (ringing in the ears) that doesn’t go away.

It’s linked to fibromyalgia

TMJ disorder has a wide range of symptoms and can cause pain throughout various parts of the body, especially in severe cases that go untreated. Some researchers have linked TMJ disorder to fibromyalgia because many physicians are not trained to diagnose and treat TMJ disorder. The best practitioner to see for TMJ disorder is a neuromuscular dentist, such as Dr. Tenaglia. She has undergone specialized training that focuses on finding the patient’s optimal biting pattern, which helps relieve stress and strain on the jaw joint, head, and neck muscles.

Surgery isn’t the only option

Many patients assume that surgery is the only way to treat TMJ disorder. While severe cases of TMJ disorder may benefit from surgical intervention, when all conservative measures have failed, surgery isn’t the only option. Dr. Tenaglia offers oral appliance therapy in Okemos for TMJ patients. The oral appliance stabilizes the bite so that it rests comfortably and relieves inflammation and pain from the jaw joint. Adhere to your treatment long-term, and the other TMJ symptoms should subside as well.

TMJ Treatment in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing

If you believe that you may suffer from TMJ disorder or want to schedule a consultation, call Tenaglia Smiles at (517) 347-6733 or contact us today. Dr. Tenaglia has more than 20 years of experience in dentistry and offers award-winning dental care to Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing. We also offer competitive prices, and special financing offers to those that qualify.