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oral hygiene before bed

3 Oral Hygiene Practices Not to Skip before Bed

Serving areas of Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

You may remember your parents or dentist expressing the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth every day. Although the situation is familiar, you may be surprised to learn that 23 percent of Americans indicated on a recent study that they voluntarily missed brushing and flossing for two or more days. The rating for adults between 18 and 24 rose to 37 percent. The study also revealed that 70 percent of Americans follow their dentist’s advice and brush their teeth twice daily, once in the morning after waking up and once before going to bed. A more concerning point is an even higher percent may not care for their teeth at all.

At Tenaglia Smiles, we understand how life can get busy, tasks get skipped or forgotten, and often, your health is the last to receive care. However, neglecting your oral health can directly affect your overall health. Therefore, your Okemos family dentist, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, is sharing three oral hygiene practices not to skip before bed.

The Big Three

The three main components of excellent oral health care are brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. Although it may seem cliché, scientists medically prove the use of the big three is most effective to keep a mouth healthy. The friendly Lansing dentist near you, Dr. Tenaglia, highly recommends executing all three steps as a regular part of your bedtime routine.

Why Brushing Is Critical Before Bed

Our board-certified dentist in East Lansing emphasizes the importance of brushing your teeth before bed. This final brushing session removes remaining food particles and bacteria that could otherwise increase your risk of cavities and gum disease. Your body reduces saliva production while you sleep, resulting in a dry mouth that creates a hotbed for the fast development of bacteria. The bacteria release sulfur compounds that are the leading cause of bad breath in the morning. Brushing before bed helps reduce the amount of bacteria.

Why Flossing is Necessary Before Bed

Comprehensive dental care requires regular brushing and flossing. Brushing your teeth removes most food debris and bacteria, but in hard to reach areas and between your teeth, harmful food and bacteria remain. Flossing is the best method to brush between your teeth as it removes most of the food and bacteria from these areas. Your professional Okemos dentist, Dr. Tenaglia, recommends proper flossing every day, which requires scrapping the floss on the side of each tooth in a gentle sweeping motion. Be sure to ease the floss between your teeth to avoid popping your gums, possibly causing an injury. During your next appointment, feel free to request a proper flossing demonstration by one of our highly qualified dental hygienists.

Why Mouthwash is Beneficial Before Bed

Mouthwash products with antiseptic properties and contain fluoride provide a wide array of dental benefits throughout the night. From reducing bacteria and plaque that can build up and cause tooth decay or gum disease to limiting morning breath, mouthwash can help you fight harmful bacteria while you sleep. Some mouthwash brands promise therapeutic results, but it is best to have your knowledgeable dentist in Lansing examine your mouth and recommend the appropriate mouthwash for your needs.

Dentist in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

The staff at Tenaglia Smiles works hard to provide quality services so that you can have a lifetime of good oral health. On your next visit, we would be happy to discuss your nighttime oral care routine to ensure your regimen provides you the best results. If you have missed your regular appointments, it is time to get back on track. Call your East Lansing family dentist, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, at Tenaglia Smiles for an appointment at (517) 347-6733 or feel free to schedule an appointment online.

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