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3 Steps to Treat TMJ Disorder

Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing MI

If you notice you have sore or popping/clicking jaws when opening your mouth, you may be one of the millions of people who suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Some people live with the issue their whole lives without realizing relief is readily available and as simple as reaching out to a qualified dentist who specializes in TMJ (also sometimes called TMD) treatment.

Dr. Christine Tenaglia is one of the most sought-after TMJ dentists in the Okemos area. Today she’s sharing the first steps in treating TMJ disorder to bring relief to the annoying — and oftentimes painful — symptoms.

Talk to a dentist

If you’re experiencing jaw pain or even migraines, it may not immediately occur to you to consult with a dentist, but that’s exactly what you should do! But don’t seek out just any dentist; be sure to look for one that specializes in TMJ disorder, like Dr. Tenaglia.

Try this at home

If Dr. Tenaglia diagnoses you with TMJ disorder, she will recommend that treatment begin as soon as possible. This will stop the disorder from progressing, and it will alleviate any associated symptoms you’re experiencing.

If major symptoms haven’t developed, habit and lifestyle changes, such as the ones listed below, could make a big difference:

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • Chew smaller bites of food
  • Eat softer foods
  • Avoid tobacco use
  • Exercise to relieve stress
  • Intentionally relax and practice self-care
  • Gently massage and stretch the jaw joints and muscle

Seek professional TMJ treatment

Our dentist office near Lansing believes that conservative, noninvasive therapies to treat TMJ can alleviate many symptoms.

These would include:

  • Using over-the-counter pain relievers or anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen
  • Taking a more powerful prescription drug or muscle relaxer to alleviate stiffness or discomfort in the jaw
  • Applying heat or ice packs to the face, jaws or temporomandibular joint

These treatment options provide near-immediate relief but are not meant to be used long-term. Longer-lasting symptom relief may require additional therapies, such as our preference for oral appliance therapy. This involves wearing a customized mouthguard to bring the jaws into proper alignment. This will help alleviate whatever is stressing the temporomandibular joint, which will help relieve pain, inflammation, headaches and other TMJ-related symptoms.

TMJ Dentist in East Lansing and Okemos

Discomfort from TMJ disorder doesn’t have to be an accepted part of your life. Call us at Tenaglia Smiles — (517) 940-8684 — to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tenaglia today.

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