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chronic headache

The Dental Connection that could be Causing your Chronic Headaches

Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing Michigan Do you suffer from chronic headaches that cause you intense pain? Unfortunately, for some individuals, even the most powerful headache remedies available merely reduce the symptoms of these headaches without affecting how often they occur. If you find yourself relying on pain medication regularly – or even daily –

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bad taste in your mouth

Have a Bad Taste in your Mouth? Here are some Possible Causes

Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing Michigan Otherwise known as chronic bad breath, halitosis is estimated to affect approximately one of every four people in the United States. For people with halitosis, their bad-smelling breath is something they cannot shake—even right after they brush, floss, and use mouthwash. Halitosis also could be a warning sign of

Have a Bad Taste in your Mouth? Here are some Possible Causes Read More »

shrinking gums

Why are My Gums Shrinking?

Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing Michigan Do your teeth appear longer than they were? Are you also experiencing heightened sensitivity to hot and cold? These two symptoms in combination can indicate your gums are receding. If your gums seem to be shrinking, you might be wondering what you should do. Dr. Christine Tenaglia, Okemos’ favorite

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