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replace Missing Tooth

4 Reasons to Replace your Missing Tooth

Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing MI

When you’re a child, losing a baby tooth is a cause for celebration – and probably a visit from the Tooth Fairy. When you’re an adult, losing a permanent tooth is usually an unpleasant experience. Making matters worse, that missing tooth leaves a hole in your smile, compromises your chewing ability and can have long-term impact on your oral health. We dig deeper on this topic today on the blog, looking at reasons you should replace any missing teeth.

Your other teeth can shift and loosen

When you lose a permanent tooth, your other teeth tend to shift to fill that gap. This can lead to crooked teeth and a misaligned bite. Crooked teeth are also more difficult to keep clean, raising your susceptibility to tooth decay and gum disease, two conditions that also can lead to tooth loss.

Your appearance can change

Living with missing permanent teeth can make you look older than you are. When you lose a tooth, the supporting area of the jawbone is deprived of the constant stimulation that was provided by the tooth root. Without this stimulation, the supporting bone structure will start to deteriorate eventually, which can give your face a drooping or sunken-in appearance that makes you appear older. The only method of tooth replacement that replaces this stimulation to the tooth root is a dental implant.

Living with tooth loss can impact your self-confidence

A lost permanent tooth may impact your ability to speak, and having that hole in your smile also can have a negative effect on your self-confidence. According to multiple studies, tooth loss can lead to intense emotional distress and dramatically lower mental well-being. It’s also been found that people who are living with tooth loss may limit or totally curtail their socializing due to the functional limitations from their missing teeth, or may be at an elevated risk of both anxiety and depression.

Tooth loss can make your gums recede

When your gums recede, the gum tissue pulls away from your teeth. This exposes the roots of your teeth, making them more susceptible to both damage and decay. Gum recession also increases your risk of gum disease, a bacterial infection in the gums. In the initial stage of gum disease, called gingivitis, your gums may become red, swollen, tender or bleed easily, especially when you are brushing and flossing. If gum disease is allowed to progress to its advanced stage, periodontitis, then permanent damage has been done to your teeth and mouth. The consequences of periodontitis include, among other things, potential tooth loss.

Restorative dentistry in Okemos, Lansing and East Lansing in Michigan

Dr. Christine Tenaglia offers both dental bridges and dental implants to replace your lost teeth. Which method of tooth replacement is right for you? The best way to determine this is by scheduling a consultation at Tenaglia Smiles. At this appointment, Dr. Tenaglia will evaluate your current dental condition, as well as your medical history, and determine which option in restorative dentistry is the best choice. Schedule your consultation today by calling (517) 347-6733 or contacting us online.

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