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option for chipped tooth

3 Options for Treating a Chipped Tooth

Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

Noticing a chipped tooth when looking in the mirror may cause anxiety for some patients. Fortunately, chipped teeth are often treatable with cosmetic dentistry that restores your tooth’s integrity and functionality. A leading cosmetic dentist in Okemos, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, shares on the blog today three options for treating a chipped tooth to restore your smile and feel confident once again.

What causes a chipped tooth?

Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body, although it’s not indestructible. Everyday events like eating or crunching on ice can result in a tooth chip. No matter what caused the fracture, our top-rated Lansing dentist recommends seeking treatment when you notice your tooth is damaged. If ignored, the chipped area can collect harmful bacteria that break down tooth enamel, resulting in a cavity or possibly need root canal treatment.

Below are a few additional chipped tooth causes

  • Falling and injuring your mouth
  • Cavities resulting from decay damage
  • Biting down on a very hard or solid abject
  • Traumatic injuries to your mouth, jaw, or face
  • Accidents during daily activities or while engaging in sports
  • Using your teeth as scissors

What are the top three chipped tooth treatment options?

Some tooth chips are minor and don’t cause pain or discomfort, while others can be sensitive and extremely painful. Whether minor or major, you should visit our East Lansing family dentist to examine and explore options for restoring your tooth. Depending on the damage, various treatments can individually provide quality results. Below is an outline of possible scenarios based on how much dental damage is present.

  1. Small Chips

Small and minor chips can appear less noticeable but pose the same cavity-causing risk if not repaired by a dentist. In some cases, chip repair can merely require polishing or buffing to smooth the tooth’s surface. In other cases, a composite resin may be needed to restore your tooth.

  1. Medium Chips

More than a surface chip, medium chips can go deeper into the tooth enamel and risk breaking the tooth apart. Depending on the extent of the damage, dental bonding or a porcelain veneer can restore your tooth and protect it from bacteria. In cases where the tooth’s integrity is in question, a dental crown can cover the entire exterior of the tooth.

  1. Large Chips

The most significant chips can cause structural and health concerns requiring advanced treatments. Severe tooth damage demands a visit to our Okemos affordable family dentist to examine possible nerve or gum damage. For example, tooth nerve inflammation caused by bacteria may require a root canal. For major structural concerns, a dental crown may be the best restoration option. In extreme circumstances, your tooth may require extraction, and you may need a dental implant for a replacement.

Cosmetic Dentist in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

Smiling with a chipped tooth may cause embarrassment, awkward social situations, and lower self-esteem. Fortunately, correcting a chipped tooth is simple when you visit our dentist in Lansing, Tenaglia Smiles. After a thorough examination, Dr. Tenaglia will offer the most appropriate treatments that address your needs. So feel free to call our office at (517) 347-6733 or schedule an appointment online to visit Tenaglia Smiles and get your chipped tooth repaired today so that you can restore your smile and self-confidence.

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