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dental implants are good for other teeth

4 Ways Dental Implants help your other Teeth

Serving areas of Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

When it comes to replacing your missing teeth, there are several options to research and review. Depending on your personal situation, you may need a removable partial denture, a dental bridge, or dental implants to restore your smile. Out of the available options, dental implants are the only option where the bone structure remains intact while preserving your natural teeth. Today, your East Lansing implant dentist at Tenaglia Smiles is sharing four ways dental implants help your other teeth and improve your oral health after losing a tooth.

Implants Support Themselves

Removable partial dentures or partials are one option to replace missing teeth. A partial rests on your gums, but they can have hooks and clasps that attach to surrounding teeth to keep them secure while speaking and eating. The hooks and clasps can catch food debris and harbor damaging bacteria if not properly cleaned.

A dental bridge is constructed by replacing the tooth using the two neighboring teeth for support. The bridge evenly distributes the force of chewing across the length of it to the supporting teeth. By attaching to neighboring teeth, the bridge requires them to bear more force than they did previously.

Dental implants are stand-alone solutions and require no assistance from neighboring teeth. A dental implant is composed of a titanium screw that is attached to the jawbone. Over four to six months, the jawbone will fuse with the post creating stability for the implant.

Implants Stimulate Bone

Since dental implants are attached to your jawbone, it is stimulated in the same way as your natural teeth. Without this stimulation, the area of the missing tooth will begin to resorb or be naturally removed over time by the body. If the bone underneath a partial denture or dental bridge begins to dissipate, the integrity of the structure could be compromised and fail. Dental implants maintain your bone structure and provide the same comfort and function as your natural teeth.

Implants are Easy to Clean

Keeping your teeth clean is critical to your oral health, and the same is true with dental implants. Since the implants mimic your natural teeth, maintaining oral hygiene will be critical. By maintaining a simple regimen of brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting your cosmetic dentist in Okemos, you can ensure your implants remain clean and in good shape.

Keep Your Natural Teeth Longer

Often is the case that where there is one missing tooth, others will follow. It is more likely that you will have additional tooth loss unless you replace your missing tooth. A dental implant is known to be the most premier tooth replacement option, and it stabilizes your bite, which prolongs your natural teeth longer.

Dental Implants in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing

As a permanent solution for missing teeth, dental implants can restore your smile and help improve your overall oral health. No matter the reason for your missing tooth, contact your Lansing cosmetic dentist, Dr. Christine Tenaglia, today for a consultation and more information about dental implants. Call (517) 347-6733 today or request an appointment online so we can help you restore your smile.

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