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after dental implants

What to do Before and After Dental Implants

Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing MI

Dental implants are a multi-step process requiring multiple visits over time to our Okemos cosmetic dentist office. From the initial examination to implant surgery, Dr. Christine Tenaglia walks patients through the process, preparing them each step of the way. Today, we’ve compiled an overview of what to do before and after dental implants to help the process move along smoothly.

Step 1: Schedule an examination

The very first step is making sure you’re a viable candidate for implant surgery. A comprehensive exam that includes x-rays and a review of medical history will help Dr. Tenaglia determine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants. It will also help her decide the best treatment plan for your individual case.

Step 2: Tooth removal and jaw prep, if necessary

Some patients have already lost a tooth that needs to be replaced with a dental implant. But if a tooth needs to be extracted because of damage or decay, this is one of the first things our cosmetic dentist in Lansing will do. If a tooth has been severely decayed for a while, chances are high the jawbone has started decaying, too. If this is the case, the jawbone will need to be prepared with a bone graft that fills in areas where bone loss has occurred. Bone is usually grafted from synthetic bone, bone from another part of the body or bone from a human tissue bank. Healing from this procedure, on average, takes 3-6 months.

Step 3: Make plans

Thinking ahead and making plans will help make your implant procedure go more smoothly. Since you can expect that your mouth will be a bit swollen and tender after the implant surgery, be sure to stock up on soft foods and liquids. Prepare to take a few days off work to give yourself time to rest and heal, and expect to have a light schedule — with no strenuous exercise — for the first week. You may also want to arrange for helping hands for childcare and housework.

Step 4: The day before your procedure

Be sure to make transportation arrangements since you won’t be able to drive yourself home after the procedure. Follow Dr. Tenaglia’s instructions for fasting and taking any medications.

Step 5: Implant day

No eating or drinking before your appointment. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. You can brush your teeth as usual, but don’t use mouthwash, and be sure to take any preoperative medications as directed by Dr. Tenaglia and our dental team.

Dental Implants in East Lansing and Okemos

Our goal is to make your implant procedure as seamless and as comfortable as possible. A little planning can go a long way in making the process smoother. If you have any questions, or if you’re curious if you’re a candidate for dental implants, give Tenaglia Smiles a call at (517) 940-8684, or reach us online to schedule a consultation today.