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Tips to Improve Sleep After the Summer Break

Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing MI

Summer break can be an exciting time for you and your family to enjoy time outdoors and with each other. However, vacations and off-schedule sleeping can tire you out and make it challenging to regroup with the arrival of the new school year. Whether your summer included working from home, traveling, or sleeping in, there is hope to restore quality sleep habits, especially for those who suffer from the common sleep-breathing disorder known as sleep apnea. Our Okemos dentist who treats sleep apnea patients, Dr. Christine Tenaglia of Tenaglia Smiles, shares on the blog today tips to improve sleep after the summer break so that you can get back to normal instead of struggling to get a good night’s rest.


Exercising daily for a minimum of 30 minutes can provide multiple health benefits. Not only can it help lower your heart disease risk, but it can also boost sleep quality. Fortunately, an expensive gym membership is not necessary to get exercise. For example, many people walk, jog, or run in their neighborhoods for an excellent cardio workout. On the other hand, others follow workout videos online or in apps, lift weights, or participate in High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts. No matter which exercise method you choose, set a goal to work out for a minimum of 30 minutes each day to help your body sleep naturally.

Eat Healthily

A summer full of seasonal treats loaded with sugar can be a culprit in sleep disorders. Therefore, consuming a well-balanced diet low in caffeine, sugar, and alcohol can improve your sleep habits. Although many people believe that alcohol promotes a restful night’s sleep, it prevents your brain from entering REM sleep, which is the sleep cycle’s deepest stage. So, avoid highly processed foods and stick to fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheeses to improve sleep quality.

Set a Routine

Creating a bedtime routine where you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day can help your body go to sleep and stay asleep all night. However, you must stick to the routine during the weekend, holidays, and other days off. Our Lansing sleep apnea dentist explains that although it may be tempting to break the routine and catch up on your sleep later, recouping lost sleep is impossible. Fortunately, those who struggle to set a routine on their own may benefit from using a smartphone app with alarms to alert them when it is time to go to bed and wake up.

Wind Down

Preparing your body for sleep can be a crucial step, especially if you struggle to fall asleep. Essentially, Dr. Tenaglia recommends that patients avoid stimulating activities like watching TV or scrolling through a phone or electronic device a minimum of one hour before bedtime. Instead, find other relaxing methods such as reading a book or magazine, taking a long bath, or using essential oils. Additionally, delaying intense conversations for another time can ensure you’re alert and focused on the topic instead of sleep.

 Common Sleep Apnea Signs and Symptoms

After trying the above methods, you may or may not have success. Although it can be frustrating when you don’t get the results you expect, it could also mean an underlying problem is necessary to address. For example, sleep apnea signs and symptoms that accompany the inability to sleep well could indicate the need for advanced treatments. Our East Lansing dentist who treats sleep apnea shares common sleep apnea signs and symptoms below.

Not all patients exhibit the same symptoms, but if you or your partner identify with the following signs, Dr. Tenaglia encourages you to contact our office for a sleep apnea screening.

  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Constantly tired
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Struggling to wake up
  • Disconnected feelings
  • Dry or sore throat after waking up
  • Frequent awakenings while sleeping
  • Snoring, choking or gasping for air during sleep

Sleep Apnea Evaluation in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing, MI

Restful sleep starts with a healthy lifestyle. Even though it’s a common misconception that sleep apnea only affects overweight individuals, the truth unveils that healthy, young individuals may also suffer from sleep apnea. Therefore, if you or your sleeping partner exhibit any sleep apnea symptoms despite how many hours you’re in bed, now may be the best time to contact our office for a sleep apnea screening appointment. Please call Tenaglia Smiles at (517) 347-6733 or contact us online to schedule your consultation.

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