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spouses snoring

My Spouse’s Snoring Keeps me up at Night

Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing MI

Does your spouse snore? It’s typical for snoring spouses to keep their significant other awake. Snoring is commonly associated with obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep-breathing disorder caused by an airway blockage. As air seeps past the blockage, it vibrates the soft tissue, resulting in loud snoring or gasps for air. The snorer may be completely unaware of the trouble they’re causing, although that doesn’t negate the dangers of ignoring your snoring. But if you’re on the receiving end of loud snores, there’s no denying that infamous sound that keeps you up at night. If your spouse’s snoring keeps you up at night, keep reading to find out how you can get them help.

Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Lots of people who snore don’t think that it’s a problem. After all, they don’t hear it, so what’s the big deal? To start with, snoring is a sign that your body is struggling to breathe. It’s not getting the air it needs. And, just like water and nutrition, our bodies need air and sleep to thrive and maintain their overall health and wellness. What would happen to your body if you weren’t getting enough food? What if you didn’t drink enough water every day? Eventually, you’d suffer some severe health consequences. But for some reason, many people do not view air or sleep loss similarly.

Unfortunately, lack of quality sleep increases your risk of a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and more. Thankfully, treatments can help your spouse (or you) from snoring.

Does this mean my partner will have to use a CPAP?

Not necessarily! CPAP machines have helped many sleep apnea sufferers get the restful night’s sleep that they need. They work by calibrating the machine to the patients breathing needs, which then pumps air into the airways through a mask worn over the face. Unfortunately, many people dislike wearing the mask, and the machine can be rather noisy, which disturbs their partner’s sleep. Perhaps your spouse refuses to get help for snoring because they do not want to use a CPAP machine. Well, we’ve got good news. Dr. Tenaglia, an Okemos sleep apnea dentist, offers oral appliance therapy. This treatment is discreet, comfortable, and quiet. The best part is that many insurance policies may even cover the cost of the treatment. Oral appliance therapy can help mild to moderate sleep apnea sufferers.

What should I do if my spouse snores?

The first step is encouraging your spouse to undergo a sleep apnea screening in Okemos. Dr. Tenaglia performs these screenings at her office, which are quick and painless. If she feels the patient needs further testing, she may recommend an official sleep study. If it is determined that your spouse has sleep apnea, Dr. Tenaglia will discuss oral appliance therapy as a treatment option.

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Okemos, Lansing, and East Lansing

Snoring isn’t just annoying to anyone that hears it. It also means the body isn’t getting enough air, and the sufferer’s sleep is disrupted. Chronic fatigue is unhealthy as it increases the risk of accidents and chronic inflammation throughout the body. Help your spouse live a healthier, more restful life by encouraging them to schedule a sleep apnea screening today at Tenaglia Smiles. Contact our office by calling (517) 347-6733 or visit us online to schedule an appointment.

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